We will be conducting scheduled digital banking maintenance on Saturday, January 25, from 3PM to 5PM. Please note that current business-day transactions may not be visible until maintenance has completed.
MCB Alert: Don’t click on scam text messages asking you to confirm purchases. Report suspicious messages to us and click here to learn more.
A healthy, secure financial life is important to you and your Hometown Community Bankers!
At Morton Community Bank, we are committed to educating you, our customers, and providing you an extra layer of protection to your accounts. Below are some practical tools and tips on how to prevent fraud and safeguard yourself.
Feel confident and secure.
Stay vigilant and protect against malicious individuals. Watch for red flags that could signal a scam:
Providing you a private and secure banking environment.
Act quickly... Strong processes are in place.
Lost or Stolen Debit, Credit or ATM Card
If you suspect your card or PIN has been compromised, please contact us immediately at 888-418-5585
After business hours using our 24-hour Customer Service. Debit or ATM cards: 1-800-472-3272 Credit Cards: 1-800-876-9119
Think you've fallen for a scam? We can guide you on what to do next. Contact us!
If you're looking to meet that special someone online via a dating app or social network, proceed with huge caution.
Don’t fall for the tricks! Caller ID Spoofing is dangerous, and we know how to protect you.
These scams are escalating dramatically! By knowing the signs, you can protect yourself.
On the surface, phishing scams can look authentic, but it could be fraud. Beware and protect your identity and assets.
It's time to stop fraud! We have a list of the common scams and steps to living securely.